Our Team​

Our Team

Our Team

With a broad multidisciplinary and multicultural background, the team at Cadmus Change combines their management experience with their unique areas of specialized studies and personal interests. Depending on the nature of the project, an expert will be involved to provide specific insights on the matter.


CHANGE Consultant

His focus is on creating the best possible customer experience while generating positive and sustainable results. As a passionate leader, he’s committed to developing the best in people and helping talents realize their full potential.

Personal brand: Common sense

Approach: Pragmatic

Favorite drink: Black coffee


“I am a holistic and pragmatic person dedicated to supporting managers, executives, professionals, and athletes—especially during challenging periods that require grace under pressure.

Many people find it challenging to maintain composure under intense pressure, and some may falter when they lose sight of what truly matters.”

The sun will indeed shine again.

I perceive coaching as both a business and life tool supporting individuals to unlock their full potential, emphasizing executive competencies while also considering life balance. My goal is to help you see life as a grand journey, allowing you to have personal time even under immense pressure. I reject the notion of a ‘one size fits all’ approach. In our modern era, we must be receptive to diverse approaches, models, and perspectives, understanding that different isn’t synonymous with inferior.

In this digital age, everything is a click away, a testament to the boundless opportunities of our times. The traditional concept of borders has evolved, impacting mindset, lifestyle, culture, communication, and collaboration. Even a local business can have a global footprint. I’ll assist you in understanding cultural nuances and redefining the term ‘limitation’ in both business and life contexts.

Having had the privilege to work and live with individuals from around the world and learn from esteemed educational institutions, I’ve come to firmly believe that people can change. Their transformation can be the catalyst for change within their companies, organizations, and families.”

Our Skills

"Keep up with the world because it never stands still"

We also owe our skills to the difficulties we have experienced along the way

Change Management
Management consulting