


We design our programs based on the specific needs of our clients, with a focus on creative solutions and well-established methodologies.

Core WorkLifeCoaching program

  • Coaching program is approximately 4-6 weeks
  • 3 one on one interviews, supplemented with weekly literature and development exercises,

Equilibrium WorkLifeCoaching program

  • A duration of approximately 2,5 months.
  • Usually 4 -6 calls 75-90 min for 4 calls or 6 calls of a max of 60 min.
  • Development exercises between the sessions.
  • Preparation and (internal) reporting by the coach.
  • Final evaluation to provide insight into the effect of the trajectory.
  • Follow-up session for sustainability evaluation after 6 months.

Journey WorkLifeCoaching program

  • In terms of structure similar to the Equilibrium WorkLifeCoaching process, however, with a longer duration of 3-6 months
  • More (6-8) 1 on 1 conversations and more literature.

Visionary change WorkLifeCoaching program

  • In terms of structure similar to the Journey WorkLife Coaching process,
  • A longer duration of 6-9 months and more (8-10) 1 on 1 conversations and more literature.

AMSTERDAM The Netherlands


+31 630671918


To provide an accurate estimation of possibilities and prices, it is necessary to consider factors specific to your company.

Different companies need different solutions, depending on the size of your company, the sector, the location, strategies and challenges we can make approximation of the relevance the program will have on the processes at your organization

It is crucial for us to know the amount of people that are expected to take key part on the program.

A correct implementation plan goes in line with the required time resources needed for the project, depending on the expected duration and scope we can provide a better advice on the possibilities we can offer your organization.