Values and purpose based leadership​

Values and purpose based leadership

Our Service

Values and purpose based leadership

Over recent years, purpose-driven leadership has garnered significant attention. Both consultants and academics argue that an executive’s paramount role is to steward the organization’s purpose. Some experts even contend that purpose is fundamental to exceptional performance, while psychologists see it as a pathway to heightened well-being. Medical professionals have also observed that individuals who are aligned with their purpose tend to have fewer health issues.

However, research indicates that fewer than 20% of leaders possess a deep understanding of their individual purpose. An even smaller percentage can articulate their purpose in a clear statement.

Our mission is to shift this narrative by helping executives discover and articulate their leadership purpose. We aim to nurture high-performing, purpose-driven leaders equipped with the character and skills needed to guide complex enterprises to success in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain


Values imbue individuals with a sense of purpose. Professionals who daily align their leadership actions with their values often experience heightened energy and fulfillment because they lead based on what truly matters to them. Conversely, a misalignment between values and purpose can result in cognitive dissonance. This internal conflict can erode a leader’s authenticity, sense of mission, and commitment. If one envisions an individual as a tree, values can be likened to its roots, signifying one’s identity and principles. It is imperative for individuals to find equilibrium in various facets of life – including education, experiences, culture, family heritage, and organizational affiliations – to shape their unique beliefs and perspectives. While many conflate values with ethics or morals, the distinction is clear: values reflect what we prioritize and what instills our lives with purpose.

Every individual’s values are distinct. Even if two people choose the same descriptor, like “integrity,” their embodiment of that value in daily actions and communication will differ.

At the organizational level, values-based leadership emphasizes the consistent communication of these values. This communication should permeate company meetings, public recognitions, and coaching sessions addressing mistakes. Essentially, these values become the organization’s mantra.


Tools We Offer:

  1. Leadership Training: This primarily involves traditional classroom and workshop methods to present and discuss leadership principles and tools.
  2. Self/Team Analysis and Exploration of Leadership Styles: We use a series of methods, including psychometrics, 360-degree feedback, coaching, and sensitivity training, to enhance self-awareness and understanding of others. This helps in discerning how your leadership style affects and interacts with other styles.
  3. Experiential Learning and Simulation: We emphasize the “learning by doing” approach through methods like outward-bound courses, action learning, and role-playing.
  4. Advanced Strategic Leadership Course: This is an executive development program specifically tailored for senior managers.

"“Most of us go to our graves with our music still inside us, unplayed “ —Oliver Wendell Holmes


Many aspire to become smarter, stronger, and richer, seeking to decipher how to empower others, lead from behind the scenes, remain authentic to themselves and the broader world, and distribute power throughout an organization. At the heart of purpose and value-based leadership is the principle of being genuinely oneself. Achieving this authenticity demands dedication and effort. However, our experience consistently shows that when you possess a clear understanding of who you are, everything else falls into place naturally.

Our Service:

Recognizing that it’s often challenging for individuals to discern their leadership purpose on their own, we’re here to assist in this introspective journey. It’s not easy to genuinely understand how others perceive you without the feedback from trustworthy and reliable individuals acting as reflective aids.

To illustrate our approach:

We typically begin by probing deeper with questions such as:

  1. Reflect on your early years. What activities or passions captivated you before societal norms influenced your preferences? Recall a particular instance and describe the emotions it evoked.
  2. Share with us two significant life challenges you’ve encountered. How did these experiences mold your perspective and character?
  3. What are the activities or pursuits in your present life that resonate with your inner self?

Our commitment to you includes:

  • Helping you articulate your personal values.
  • Assisting you in defining your purpose.
  • Guiding you in understanding the grander scheme of life.

Additionally, we:

  • Support you in integrating these insights into your daily life by establishing goals and actionable steps.

Impact: Our ultimate goal is to harmonize your authentic self with your actions, driven by your values and purpose, enabling you to be a genuine leader who creates a positive ripple in your surroundings.